Travel Blog

Travel Blog: Vancouver, Canada

Travel Blog: Vancouver, Canada

Canada, eh?  Oh yeah! 

Snow covered mountains with crystal clear lakes at the base, we've all seen these majestic photos floating around Pinterest or your Facebook feed on Monday mornings, you know the photos that make you reconsider all the jokes you ever told about that guy living in his van down by the river.  Well it just so happens I got to visit the birth place of so many motivational posters, the west coast of Canada. Besides the awesome landscape scenery we also have the city of Vancouver, a city that took hockey so seriously that they rioted after losing the Stanley Cup a few years ago, my type of city! 

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Travel Blog: San Francisco

Travel Blog: San Francisco


I start this article as I sit at an overcrowded charging station at Oakland airport getting ready to board a flight back to Tampa after spending the better part of a week in the San Francisco area.  I am going to structure this post into multiple parts based around the day's activities and the photos from them.  I'm also going to explain a little bit of my thought process (if there was one) and my approach for each day's photo opportunities while piggy backing on the normal tourist activities like sight seeing, bike tours, and restaurant hunting.  If you are looking for things to do while visiting in San Francisco this might be a good guide for you, if you also enjoy taking photos, this might be a great guide for you. 

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